
Smart Team Solutions

Creating customized IT-solutions for great work

We offer you modern IT solutions and expert advice on the design and implementation of customized software solutions.

Years of Experience​
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Successful Projects​
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Happy Customers​
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Lines of Code​
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Our Portfolio

Agile Software Development

Full-stack development of complex and individual software solutions using clean architecture and clean code with a focus on cloud-native architectures.

Software Consulting

Consulting on suitable software architectures, technologies and frameworks through prototypical implementations and creation of DevOps concepts

Innovative Environmental Information Systems

Design and implementation of environmental data services for the processing and visualization of measurement data and measurement networks as well as geo and metadata management.

IT Project Management

Consulting and support in agile IT project management from project planning, through project support to successful project completion and beyond.

Provision of
Digital Tools

Selection, design and operation of suitable digital tools to adapt and optimize current processes for optimal digital and distributed team collaboration.

Consulting on
Atlassian Products

Consulting on the use, configuration and optimal utilization of Atlassian products, for example "Confluence" and "Jira". Design and implementation of individual extensions in the form of Atlassian apps.

Our Approach


At the beginning, we form a common understanding of the project with our customers. We discuss the requirements and wishes, the current status and various user scenarios in order to obtain a holistic picture.


The second step is for us to design possible solutions, which we then present to the customer and advise them on. Based on customer feedback and prototype results, we decide together what will be implemented.


After deciding on a solution, our team starts with the implementation. In order to remain agile, we maintain a regular exchange with the customer.


After successful implementation, it is important for us to continue to support and maintain the customer and the solution. This is because requests for adjustments or ideas for further development often arise during use. We also support the customer in this process and so our process is repeated.

About us

Dynamic, innovative and solution-oriented – this is Smateso. We know that every organization is unique, which is why we offer solutions that are specifically tailored to your needs. Located in the vibrant heart of the Karlsruhe technology region, we specialize in the design and development of tailor-made software solutions and consulting services to optimize your project structures.

Case Studies and Use Cases

Individual IT solutions often require a lot of explanation and are tailored precisely to the needs of our customers. Here you can take a detailed look at some of the solutions we have already successfully implemented for our customers.

Universal web components for environmental information systems


In this case study, we highlight our project in which we redesigned several measurement network websites for our client and migrated them to a modernized platform. Our goal was to create an efficient, uniform and user-friendly presentation of environmental data that integrates seamlessly into the client's overall website.
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Digital processes, structures and tools right down to the last corner!


With the help of various Atlassian tools, such as Confluence and Jira, a platform for digital, distributed collaboration was created for a public institution and its partners, improving and standardizing project and process management in the process. A wide variety of projects can now be jointly managed and documented on the platform, from the development of new software to specialist projects and internal development projects.
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Become a
part of the
Smateso team!

We are always looking to strengthen our team. Whether remote or on-site, we are flexible and find solutions for cooperation.


Full- or Part-time

Implement software solutions with the latest technologies and concepts together with customers and our development team.

IT-Consultant &
Project Manager

Full- or Part-time

Consult and support our customers on their way to digitalization in various IT projects.

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